BMC Travel Awards

BMC Department Travel Awards are offered three times each year. Graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in labs of faculty whose primary appointments are in Biomolecular Chemistry are eligible to apply for departmental travel awards.

These awards are funded by generous donations from the late Dr. John Porter, a former professor in the Department, the Markey Foundation, and Paul Dietrich, an alumnus of the Department who worked under Dr. Robert Metzenberg.

Application Information:

The maximum annual award is $500. No more than one award will be given to any one individual within a year (May 1- April 30).

If application requests exceed the funds available within the 12 month-period beginning on May 1, preference will be given to those labs or applicants who have previously received the fewest number of awards.

We expect that no more than two awards will be given to any one individual during their tenure in the department, except under unusual circumstances.

If you’d like to apply, fill out our application form.


Graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in labs of faculty whose primary appointments are in Biomolecular Chemistry are eligible to apply.Applicants must be presenting a talk or be first author on a poster.Applicants must seek concurrently other external sources of support such as the Student Research Grants Competition (SRGC) Travel Award, training grant or graduate program support if eligible, or conference support.


If you are planning to attend a conference from: Deadline to Apply:
January through April December 31th
May through August April 30th
September through December August 31st

To apply, please fill out the Biomolecular Chemistry Travel Award Form, and upload a copy of the relevant abstract with authors shown. Once all information is included, please select your PI from the drop-down list, and hit submit. Authorization from a major professor certifying the information and authorizing the Application must be included at the time of application.

Only applications with all of the above information will be considered.

The travel awards committee will review the applications and determine how many can be funded each cycle.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How will I be notified?

The travel awards committee will review the applications and determine how many can be funded each cycle. The BMC Student Services Coordinator will notify you about the award decision. A detailed travel award letter will be sent to you via email.

Does the UW-Madison travel policy apply to award recipients?

Yes. Award recipients are required to follow the current campus travel guidelines in planning their travel. Please visit UW TravelWIse for more information.

Past Awardees

The Porter Travel Award

Claudia P. Alavarez Baron

Aidan McKenzie

The Metzenberg Travel Award

Katarzyna Dubiel

Elizabeth Larson

Sebastien Ortiz

Erica Schwotzer

Allyson Yake

The Markey Travel Award

Dain Brademan

Spencer Haws

Gary Wilson