Travel Award Application

Please complete the form below to request travel funding for participation in a conference or other event. The data from this form will be submitted to your PI and department administration.

Travel Award Request

  • Example: Dr. XXXX attended the 27th Annual Spring conference on XXXXXX in XXXX, April 12-15, 2023. This benefits the University of Wisconsin as Dr. XXX gained valuable information and tips regarding care of ill patients that she can apply to both her general pediatric and urgent care jobs, to improve patient Care. In particular, Dr. XXX learned more about caring for babies with fever and sepsis, how to differentiate different important rashes, how to identify significant injuries in baseball players and how to manage foreign bodies in different locations. There was also information and updates for the ongoing care of patients with mental health issues. This knowledge will be shared with faculty colleagues and students that Dr. XXXX teaches.
  • (i.e. Vilas travel award, conference support, etc.)
  • (Include the date and title of the meeting you attended)
  • Airfare/Bus

  • Lodging

  • Meals and Incidentals

  • Mileage

    Must be authorized.
  • Miscellaneous

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.