In the Purchasing Card module, cardholders, known as “Reconcilers”, are responsible for providing a business purpose and supporting documentation for each transaction. The site manager, known as the “Approver” in the Purchasing Card module, is responsible for reviewing purchasing card transactions after they are verified by the Reconciler. Transactions are loaded and can be reconciled daily. The reconciliation process will no longer be performed on a bi-weekly basis or using the Cardholder Statement. In lieu of signatures, approvals will be applied electronically. There will no longer be “edit deadlines” for funding allocation; however, purchasing card transactions must be fully reconciled within 30 days of the posting date.
3013.2 Purchasing Card Use and Account Management Procedure
Additional staff members are also available for questions.
P-Card Site Manager
Richard Leduc
SMPH Financial Specialist
Sayvon Cutrer
BMC Department Administrator
Arvette White
Frequently Used Expense Codes
Provided below is a small selection of frequently used account codes for use in completing your biweekly purchasing card statements. The full source list (linked here) is much longer and mostly irrelevant for the kinds of expenses our labs incur. Please contact the Department Administrator with any additional questions on account codes.
Long Distance Transportation (airfare, intercity bus/train, related fees)
- In State: 2800
- Out of State: 2801
- Foreign: 2802
Registration Fees (conferences, seminars, etc.)
- In State: 2840
- Out of State: 2841
- Foreign: 2842
- In State: 2850
- Out of State: 2851
- Foreign: 2852
Car Rental
- In State: 2810
- Out of State: 2811
- Foreign: 2812
Conferences and Meetings
Meals and Catering: 2893
AV Equipment/Setup Costs: 2894
Meeting Space Costs (e.g. rental fees): 2895
Lab Expenses
Office Supplies (includes reference materials for faculty): 3101
Laboratory Supplies: 3105
Software under $5,000: 3150
Computers and Related Equipment (not capitalized, i.e. under $5,000): 3194
General Equipment and Furniture (not capitalized, i.e. under $5,000): 3195
Printing, Mailing, and Ads
Printing and Duplicating (UW/State of Wisconsin): 2670
Non-UW/State Printing and Duplicating (e.g. page charges for articles and abstracts): 2675
Mailing and Freight: 3710
Advertising and Official Notices (e.g. job postings, calls for human subjects): 3740
Other Professional Services
Membership Dues: 3730
Professional Services Provided outside UW-Madison (e.g. external thesis printing): 2620
Taxes and Other Notes
Please note that expenses for meals, lodging, and vehicle rentals should be tax exempt within Wisconsin. If you do not have a Sales & Use Tax Exemption Certificate, please click here to download a copy or contact the Department Administrator for a card to carry with you while traveling.