Create Reservation Guide

How to Make an SMPH Reservation in EMS

  1. Log in to EMS Online Booking System
  2. Select Create a Reservation
    • Click on “Create a Reservation” to reserve or request space. A list of templates, including campus and SMPH options, will load.
  3. Find the SMPH-BMC Reservation Request
    • Look for “SMPH-BMC Reservation Request” and click the Book Now button.
  4. Enter Reservation Details
    • Provide the DateStart Time, and End Time for your reservation.
  5. Check the Correct Template
    • Double-check that you are using the correct template under Locations and click Search.
  6. Booking Calendar
    • A booking calendar with available spaces will appear for your requested date and time. Rooms available for booking will show a green circle with a white cross. Click the green circle with the white plus sign next to your desired room to book it.
  7. Enter Attendee Information
    • A pop-up will ask for the number of attendees and may auto-fill the setup type. Enter the expected number of attendees and click the Add Room button. Repeat this process if you need to add another room to the same reservation.
  8. Complete Reservation
    • Once all rooms are booked, click Create Reservation at the top of the page.
  9. Fill in Reservation Details
    • You will need to complete FIVE fields to create your request:
      • Event Name: Enter your name.
      • Event Type: Keep as “Conference.”
      • Group: Select “SMPH-Biomolecular Chemistry.”
      • 1st Contact: Provide your phone number and email address.
    • Then, click Create Reservation.
  10. Confirmation
    • A pop-up window will confirm your reservation has been created. You can choose to Add to My Calendar. To view your created reservation, click My Events.